Cultured Scene: Our All New Magazine
May I introduce the latest issue of our Society’s magazine. What is it for and what kind of articles and topics can you expect in this and the upcoming issues?
Early on in your career you have one hundred and one questions. What does it mean being a scientist? How do others handle obstacles? Where are the resources that can help you with your research? And what exactly is happening in your field? Cultured Scene wants to support, inform, and of course entertain you throughout your career as a scientist. It is not only one of the Society’s communication channels, but also a place to connect ideas across various disciplines, and a way to test your own writing skills. For that, we want to hear your stories. How did you get through the roller coaster called PhD? How did you deal with problems with your supervisor? And why are you still in academia? You would be surprised how interesting and different replies to these question can be, and how helpful it can be to read them. But we also want to hear your research stories. What are you working on? How did you come up with the idea for the project, and how is it helping to understand broader questions in cultural evolution?
Here are a few regular features you can expect in our upcoming issues:
From Pitch to Publication
An interview with the author of a recent publication or pre-print in the field. How did they come up with the question, how did they collect the data or conduct the analysis, what challenges did they encounter? In other words, what is the story behind the data?

Looking back: the first issue of Cultured Scene in 2016
Analyse That! – My Analysis Brings All the Researchers to the Yard
You discovered a fancy new tool to analyse your data, or use a method that is common in another field but novel to yours? Share it here and get the word out.
Culture Goes Pop
Everything is culture?! Let us go one meta-level up and we have a culture of talking about culture, be it books, journals, movies, tv shows, or podcasts. Here we want increase the meta-level and discuss how pop culture portrays different aspects of culture.
Agony Aunt – We’ve Got 99 Problems
Answering your problems. Using social media polls on twitter and facebook, but also contacting people at different career stages we aim to find solutions to the questions you have. In this issue, for example, we discuss how you can make the most of your first academic conference.
Meet Our Members
Where are our members? What are their institutions like? In this section we want to uncover the actual places where the academic work is happening to get a better understanding of the diversity of our society.
We have many ideas for content, but crucially we rely on your input. Your stories will make this journal and your society come to life. If you have ideas for an article or a new section, however crazy it might be, get in touch with us. We cannot wait to hear from you
About the author
Post-doctoral Fellow at UPenn